Brillantmont prides itself on offering a unique, home from home environment in which every student is recognised as an individual, where they can be themselves.
Brillantmont is a family owned school and family values of trust, mutual respect, support and care for one another lie at the heart of the boarding school experience. The boarding houses will be the students’ home for the next months or years, so it is important that they feel safe, secure and listened to. We adhere to strict safeguarding policies and the Council of International Schools' code of conduct.

All the boarding accommodation is on the Brillantmont campus, on the upper floors of five buildings. The buildings have a secure access system and the boarding rooms are spacious, warm and welcoming. Boys and girls live in separate houses, organised by age.
A member of the boarding team lives on each floor, looking after the students and helping make their boarding experience happy and successful. Most students share a room with a student from another nationality and younger students may be three per room.
Our outstanding boarding staff always have the students’ physical, mental and emotional well-being at the heart of all they do. Our caring, supportive boarding environment safeguards the students and allows them to develop and grow with confidence.
Our students live alongside others from many cultures and develop cultural sensitivity and open-ness to others. We are proud to help them on their journey to becoming responsible young adults, who can live with others and who are global citizens.